Bruno E. Werner

Bruno E. Werner

Bruno E. Werner (1896 – 1964) was the art editor for Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Berlin) from 1926 to 1938. In 1929, he was involved in establishing the Bauhaus-influenced journal Die neue Linie. His book Vom bleibenden Geist der deutschen Kunst was published in 1934. From 1942 to 1947 Werner worked on the manuscript of Die Galeere. After the war, he became the art editor for Neue Zeitung and president of the German P.E.N Centre.

Bruno E. Werner (1896 – 1964) was the art editor for Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Berlin) from 1926 to 1938. In 1929, he was involved in establishing the Bauhaus-influenced journal Die neue Linie. His book Vom bleibenden Geist der deutschen Kunst was published in 1934. From 1942 to 1947 Werner worked on the manuscript of Die Galeere. After the war, he became the art editor for Neue Zeitung and president of the German P.E.N Centre.


The Slave Ship
Year of Publication: 2018
Bruno E. WernerYear of Publication: 2018

Dispassionate and, for that very reason, moving: a newspaper editor documents how the German intelligentsia – academics and artists, novelists and editor-in-chiefs – cringe and writhe following the Nazi’s seizure of power, but also how they create space to continue their pursuit of a good life and a moral good. In the end, however, they too are helpless in the face of the...