Deniz Ohde
Autorenfoto zu Deniz Ohde

Deniz Ohde

Deniz Ohde, born in Frankfurt/Main in 1988, lives in Leipzig. Her first novel Sky Glow was awarded the Literary Prize of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation, the aspekte Prize for Literature, shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2020 and longlisted for the Angelus Award 2023. Pretending to Sleep is her second novel.

Deniz Ohde, born in Frankfurt/Main in 1988, lives in Leipzig. Her first novel Sky Glow was awarded the Literary Prize of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation, the aspekte Prize for Literature, shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2020 and longlisted for the Angelus Award 2023. Pretending to Sleep is her second novel.

Awards (selection)
Longlisted for the Angelus Award 2023 (Poland) with Streulicht
Shortlisted for »Text & Sprache« 2021 (Germany) with Streulicht
»aspekte«-Literaturpreis 2020 (Germany) for Streulicht
Shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2020 (Germany) with Streulicht
Literaturpreis der Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung 2020 (Germany) for Streulicht
Longlisted for the Angelus Award 2023 (Poland) with Streulicht
Shortlisted for »Text & Sprache« 2021 (Germany) with Streulicht
»aspekte«-Literaturpreis 2020 (Germany) for Streulicht
Shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2020 (Germany) with Streulicht
Literaturpreis der Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung 2020 (Germany) for Streulicht


Pretending to Sleep
Year of Publication: 2024
Deniz OhdeYear of Publication: 2024
The building where Yasemin lived until recently is no longer standing. It had to be torn down after an explosion caused by Vito, Yasemin’s ex-boyfriend. The only thing left of the apartment she had...
Rights sold to:

Greece (Gutenberg)

Sky Glow
Year of Publication: 2020
Deniz OhdeYear of Publication: 2020

Sky Glow tells a story of class and origin without pithy slogans, of discrimination and contempt and their effects on the individual. The book talks about social shame, societal...

Rights sold to:

Poland (Marpress), Serbia (Fabrika), Turkey (Pena), Greece (Gutenberg), Macedonia (Goten)

Domestic rights sales: German Audiobook (Bonnevoice)


Verzeichnis einiger Verluste and Streulicht have been selected for this year's longlist.
For her debut novel Sky Glow Deniz Ohde has been honoured with the aspekte Prize for Literature.
»In case anyone still wonders what a German social history with the firepower of a Didier Eribon or a Annie Ernaux looks like: Here it is!« Miriam Zeh