Gertrud Leutenegger
Autorenfoto zu Gertrud Leutenegger

Gertrud Leutenegger

Gertrud Leutenegger was born in Schwyz, Switzerland, in 1948. She studied directing at the Zurich University of the Arts. After living in the French-speaking and then the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland for many years, she now lives in Zurich.

Gertrud Leutenegger was born in Schwyz, Switzerland, in 1948. She studied directing at the Zurich University of the Arts. After living in the French-speaking and then the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland for many years, she now lives in Zurich.

Awards (selection)
Solothurner Literaturpreis 2023
Shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2014 for Panischer Frühling
Solothurner Literaturpreis 2023
Shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2014 for Panischer Frühling


Late Guests
Year of Publication: 2020
Gertrud LeuteneggerYear of Publication: 2020

A village near the Italian border. Late in the evening the narrator has arrived there after receiving news of a death. Orion, with whom she shared many years of her life before she ran away with...

Rights sold to:

Italy (Armando Dadò)


Panicked Spring
Year of Publication: 2014
Gertrud LeuteneggerYear of Publication: 2014
A volcanic eruption in Iceland brings all European air travel to a standstill, leaving tens of thousands of people stranded at the airports. While images of the gigantic ash cloud circulate around...
Rights sold to:

France (Zoé)


Gertrud Leutenegger has received the award for her literary oeuvre. 
The Solothurner Literaturpreis honours authors whose works exert their influence far beyond the realms of German-language literature.