Hans-Peter Müller

Hans-Peter Müller

Hans-Peter Müller is a German sociologist and professor emeritus of General Sociology at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His work and research focus on traditional and modern social theory, social structure and social injustice as well as political sociology and cultural sociology.

Hans-Peter Müller is a German sociologist and professor emeritus of General Sociology at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His work and research focus on traditional and modern social theory, social structure and social injustice as well as political sociology and cultural sociology.


Crisis and Criticism
Year of Publication: 2021
Hans-Peter MüllerYear of Publication: 2021

All the »classic« sociologists of the 19th and 20th century have attempted to understand and explain the great transformation from pre-modern to modern society. In their endeavour, they pursued new theoretical and methodological paths and presented paradigmatic analyses that culminated in spectacular diagnoses of the times.

Their keywords were: democracy (Tocqueville), capitalism...

Max Weber
Year of Publication: 2020
Hans-Peter MüllerYear of Publication: 2020

These days, many consider Max Weber to be the most important cultural and social scientist, everybody around the globe is talking about the genius to whom a stamp was dedicated in Germany. Why? What makes him so great? How did he achieve a level in his discipline that is comparable to that of Goethe in the field of literature and that of Kant in the field of philosophy?

On the...