Heinz Helle
Autorenfoto zu Heinz Helle

Heinz Helle

Heinz Helle was born in 1978. He studied philosophy in Munich and New York. He has worked as a copywriter for advertising agencies and is a graduate of the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel. He was longlisted for the German Book Prize 2015 for his second novel, Eigentlich müssten wir tanzen. For his novel Die Überwindung der Schwerkraft he was awarded the Förderpreis zum Bremer Literaturpreis 2019 and was shortlisted for the Swiss Book Prize 2018. He lives in Zurich with his wife, writer Julia Weber, and their two daughters.
Heinz Helle was born in 1978. He studied philosophy in Munich and New York. He has worked as a copywriter for advertising agencies and is a graduate of the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel. He was longlisted for the German Book Prize 2015 for his second novel, Eigentlich müssten wir tanzen. For his novel Die Überwindung der Schwerkraft he was awarded the Förderpreis zum Bremer Literaturpreis 2019 and was shortlisted for the Swiss Book Prize 2018. He lives in Zurich with his wife, writer Julia Weber, and their two daughters.


Year of Publication: 2022
Heinz HelleYear of Publication: 2022

He has become a father for the second time. One night his little daughter won’t stop crying, the next he wonders if she is still breathing. During the day he finds himself amidst nappies and...

Rights sold to:

Greece (Gutenberg)

Overcoming Gravity
Year of Publication: 2018
Heinz HelleYear of Publication: 2018

A couple of beers, and then a couple more – that’s all it takes for a sense of closeness. Yet the two brothers know that the warmth of the alcohol is not really a match for the cold outside as...

Rights sold to:

Bulgaria (Funtasy), Greece (Gutenberg)

Year of Publication: 2015
Heinz HelleYear of Publication: 2015
A group of young men spends a weekend in a mountain cabin. When they return to the lowlands, they find devastated villages. The people are dead or have fled, houses and stores have been...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Serpent's Tail), Chinese simplex rights (People's Literature Publishing House), France (Piranha)

Year of Publication: 2014
Heinz HelleYear of Publication: 2014
What happens: A philosopher fails in his attempt to make his theory of experience correspond to his actual experiences. A man fails in his attempt to love a woman. Someone succeeds...
Rights sold to:

Russia (Text), Turkey (Kafka Yayinevi), Azerbaijan (Alatoran)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: English world rights (Serpent's Tail), Bulgaria (Funtasy)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Hörbuch Hamburg)


Laura de Weck and Heinz Helle talk about the life of authors who are parents and about the comforting effect of literature.
We are excited to announce that Heinz Helle has been shortlisted for the Swiss Book Prize 2018.
  We are proud to present to you the three Suhrkamp authors that have been nominated for German Book Prize 2015.