Ludwig von Friedeburg

Ludwig von Friedeburg


Theodor W. Adorno and Ludwig von Friedeburg, Correspondence, 1950–1969
Year of Publication: 2024
Soon after the Institute for Social Research returned to Frankfurt from its exile in the US, a young student applied for a position with Theodor W. Adorno: Ludwig von Friedeburg, the son of the second-last commander-in-chief of the Kriegsmarine and himself Germany’s youngest submarine commander in the Second World War. Their first project together was the famous »Group Experiment«, a study funded...
The Authoritarian Personality
Year of Publication: 1950
Theodor W. AdornoYear of Publication: 1950
The studies presented here were guided by the hypothesis that the political, economic and social convictions of an individual often formed an extensive and coherent thought pattern, held together by...
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