Manfred Sommer
Autorenfoto zu Manfred Sommer

Manfred Sommer

Manfred Sommer, born in 1945, was professor of Philosophy at the Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, until his retirement in 2010. In addition to his own publications, he is also the editor of numerous posthumous works by Hans Blumenberg.

Manfred Sommer, born in 1945, was professor of Philosophy at the Christian Albrecht University, Kiel, until his retirement in 2010. In addition to his own publications, he is also the editor of numerous posthumous works by Hans Blumenberg.


Pen, Paper and Kant
Year of Publication: 2020
Manfred SommerYear of Publication: 2020

A line on a piece of paper – that is graphism in its simplest form. Analogous to the stem cells of biological research it can turn into many things: sign and sketch, text and image. In his richly illustrated study Manfred Sommer explores this graphic potential also in connection to Immanuel Kant: Might the spontaneous drawing of a line on the receptive paper, carried out with meaning and...

On the Plane
Year of Publication: 2016
Manfred SommerYear of Publication: 2016

What do Dürer’s Man Drawing a Reclining Woman, a window in an office block, and a poncho all have in common? At first glance, hardly anything, but upon closer inspection, something quite fundamental, and moreover ubiquitous: rectangular planes. Our world is filled with them, but they occur neither in nature nor in our imagination.

Starting from the picture...

Theory of the Life-World
Year of Publication: 2010
Hans BlumenbergYear of Publication: 2010
To mark the 90th anniversary of Hans Blumenberg’s birth, Suhrkamp is bringing out a posthumous text in which the philosopher provides a radical new view of the issue of the...
Rights sold to:

Spanish world rights (Fondo de Cultura Economica)

Description of Man
Year of Publication: 2006
Hans BlumenbergYear of Publication: 2006
In Blumenberg’s new standard work, reflection takes human visibility as its starting point and thus enables a focus on the body and on consciousness. In this »description of man«,...
Rights sold to:

Spanish world rights (Fondo de Cultura Economica), France (du Cerf)

The Corruptibility of the Philosopher
Year of Publication: 2000
Hans BlumenbergYear of Publication: 2000

The Corruptibility of the Philosopher is an account of the unlucky, grotesque or simply unpleasant cases in which the life and the works of philosophers cannot be aligned. An active...

Rights sold to:

Turkey (Ketebe)