Mazen Abdallah

Mazen Abdallah

Mazen Abdallah, born in southern Lebanon in 1957, studied in Beirut where he now works as a bank manager.

Mazen Abdallah, born in southern Lebanon in 1957, studied in Beirut where he now works as a bank manager.


The Scarecrow
Year of Publication: 2005
Haidar Safa, Mazen AbdallahYear of Publication: 2005
On September 11, 2001, as footage of New York flashes across television screens, Adam begins to make a scarecrow. It is just like the first one he ever saw, so many years ago in his small village south of Beirut. His friends have all left him; he sent them away. Now he creates for himself someone who listens and remains silent, who joins him in all activities. With his companion he founds...