Robert Misik

Robert Misik

Robert Misik, born in Vienna in 1966, is a journalist and political author. His most recent essay Die falschen Freunde der einfachen Leute was awarded the Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch in 2019. The prize promotes political literature that advocates freedom, equality, social justice, solidarity, tolerance, the fight against right-wing extremism and artistic freedom.
Robert Misik, born in Vienna in 1966, is a journalist and political author. His most recent essay Die falschen Freunde der einfachen Leute was awarded the Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch in 2019. The prize promotes political literature that advocates freedom, equality, social justice, solidarity, tolerance, the fight against right-wing extremism and artistic freedom.
Awards (selection)
Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch 2019 for Die falschen Freunde der einfachen Leute
Preis der Keynes-Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspublizistik 2018
Österreichischer Staatspreis für Kulturpublizistik 2009
Bruno-Kreisky-Preis für das politische Buch 2019 for Die falschen Freunde der einfachen Leute
Preis der Keynes-Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspublizistik 2018
Österreichischer Staatspreis für Kulturpublizistik 2009


The Great Sense of New Beginnings
Year of Publication: 2022
Robert MisikYear of Publication: 2022
Shattering conventions, revolutionising perceptions, imagining new things – that was the spirit of radical modernism. Bertolt Brecht spoke of the great sense of new beginnings. Today, all utopian optimism seems to have evaporated – is it a thing of the past?

»Not at all!« is Robert Misik’s reply to such laments. He sets out on a tour de...
The False Friends of the Common People
Year of Publication: 2019
Robert MisikYear of Publication: 2019

Old parties are disappearing, new ones are emerging. The guiding principles of discourse are changing. As chaotic as the political situation presents itself, as confusing is the range of...

Rights sold to:

Czech Republic (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)