Sabine Hark
Autorenfoto zu Sabine Hark

Sabine Hark

Sabine Hark, born in 1962, is a sociologist and professor of Gender Studies. Hark is co-editor of the journal Feministische Studien and heads the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies (ZIFG) at the TU Berlin. She is considered a co-founder of queer theory in Germany.
Sabine Hark, born in 1962, is a sociologist and professor of Gender Studies. Hark is co-editor of the journal Feministische Studien and heads the Centre for Interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies (ZIFG) at the TU Berlin. She is considered a co-founder of queer theory in Germany.


Community of the Unchosen
Year of Publication: 2021
Sabine HarkYear of Publication: 2021
Those who participate in the social practice of a community and can see themselves as part of a »we« are free. A human right that is often disputed in our time. But a good life is only a life shared with others.

In this essay, Sabine Hark tells the story of belonging and equality starting from the lives of those whose communities are violently divided, whose hopes for a...