Simon Schaupp
Autorenfoto zu Simon Schaupp

Simon Schaupp

Simon Schaupp was born in 1988 and is a sociologist who currently works as senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Basel. His most recent book, Technopolitik von unten (Technopolitics From Below), won several awards. He has published on digitalization, ecological crisis and historical social conflicts. For Suhrkamp, he co-edited a reader on Theories of Digital Capitalism together with Tanja Carstensen und Sebastian Sevignani. Schaupp is part of the editorial board of the journal Work, Employment and Society.
Simon Schaupp was born in 1988 and is a sociologist who currently works as senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Basel. His most recent book, Technopolitik von unten (Technopolitics From Below), won several awards. He has published on digitalization, ecological crisis and historical social conflicts. For Suhrkamp, he co-edited a reader on Theories of Digital Capitalism together with Tanja Carstensen und Sebastian Sevignani. Schaupp is part of the editorial board of the journal Work, Employment and Society.


Metabolic Politics
Year of Publication: 2024
Simon SchauppYear of Publication: 2024
In order to understand the ecological crisis, we need to understand the world of work. Because it is through labour, according to Karl Marx, that societies’ metabolic relationship with nature is carried out. As such, argues sociologist Simon Schaupp, labour politics is also climate politics – or as the title of this book suggests, »metabolic politics«. And nature itself plays an active role in...