Svenja Leiber
Autorenfoto zu Svenja Leiber

Svenja Leiber

Svenja Leiber, born in Hamburg in 1975, grew up in northern Germany. As a child, she lived in Saudi Arabia for some time. She read literary studies, history and art history at university. In 2005, she published her debut Büchsenlicht, a collection of short stories. It was followed by the novel Schipino in 2010. Her novels Das letzte Land and Staub were published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 2014 and 2018, respectively. Leiber has been awarded several prizes including the Werner Bergengruen Prize in 2007 and the EHF Grant of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 2010. She lives in Berlin with her husband and two children.
Svenja Leiber, born in Hamburg in 1975, grew up in northern Germany. As a child, she lived in Saudi Arabia for some time. She read literary studies, history and art history at university. In 2005, she published her debut Büchsenlicht, a collection of short stories. It was followed by the novel Schipino in 2010. Her novels Das letzte Land and Staub were published by Suhrkamp Verlag in 2014 and 2018, respectively. Leiber has been awarded several prizes including the Werner Bergengruen Prize in 2007 and the EHF Grant of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in 2010. She lives in Berlin with her husband and two children.
Awards (selection)
Johann‐Friedrich‐von‐Cotta‐Literatur‐ und Übersetzungspreis 2023
»Text & Sprache« 2019 (Shortlist)
Arno-Reinfrank-Literaturpreis 2015
Kulturpreis für »Neue Prosa« 2014
Werner Bergengruen-Preis 2009
Kranichsteiner Literaturförderpreis 2007
Förderpreis des Bremer Literaturpreises 2006
Johann‐Friedrich‐von‐Cotta‐Literatur‐ und Übersetzungspreis 2023
»Text & Sprache« 2019 (Shortlist)
Arno-Reinfrank-Literaturpreis 2015
Kulturpreis für »Neue Prosa« 2014
Werner Bergengruen-Preis 2009
Kranichsteiner Literaturförderpreis 2007
Förderpreis des Bremer Literaturpreises 2006


Year of Publication: 2021
Svenja LeiberYear of Publication: 2021
A remote place by the Baltic Sea at the end of the 19th century. Kazimira brings her husband Antas washed-up amber from the beach beyond the dune. No one carves it as well as the simple turner....
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Seagull), France (Belfond), Lithuania (Alma Littera)


Year of Publication: 2018
Svenja LeiberYear of Publication: 2018

As an eleven-year-old, Jonas Blaum spends a year in Saudi Arabia together with his parents and his two siblings – the father has accepted a position as a doctor at a hospital in Riyadh. The...

Rights sold to:

English world rights (Seagull), Arabic world rights (Kalima)

The Last Country
Year of Publication: 2014
Svenja LeiberYear of Publication: 2014
The beginning of the 20th century in northern Germany. Ruven Preuk, the youngest son of the village wainwright, has an extraordinary musical gift: he sees notes, and can play incredible melodies on...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Seagull), Spanish world rights (Malpaso), Italy (Keller Editore), Bulgaria (Aviana)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (DAV)


In Kazimira, Svenja Leiber tells the story of a family across five generations. Here she answers questions on the historical background.
»Music can do anything, it can heal or harm, just like us.«