Walter Benjamin
Autorenfoto zu Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin was born on July 15, 1892 in Berlin as the oldest of three children and died by suicide on September 26, 1940 in Portbou, Spain. After graduating secondary school in 1912 he studied Philosophy, German Literature and Psychology in Freiburg im Breisgau, Munich and Berlin. In 1915, he met Gershom Scholem, a student of mathematics five years his junior, with whom he remained friends until his death. In 1917, Benjamin married Dora Kellner and became father to a son, Stefan Rafael (1918-1972). The marriage lasted for 13 years. Also in 1917, Benjamin relocated to Bern, Switzerland, where he obtained his PhD two years later with his thesis entitled »Der Begriff der Kunstkritik in der deutschen Romantik bei Richard Herbertz«. In 1923/24 he met Theodor W. Adorno and Siegfried Kracauer in Frankfurt am Main. His attempt to qualify as a professor with his postdoctoral dissertation on »The Origin of German Tragic Drama« was unsuccessful. Benjamin was...

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Walter Benjamin was born on July 15, 1892 in Berlin as the oldest of three children and died by suicide on September 26, 1940 in Portbou, Spain. After graduating secondary school in 1912 he studied Philosophy, German Literature and Psychology in Freiburg im Breisgau, Munich and Berlin. In 1915, he met Gershom Scholem, a student of mathematics five years his junior, with whom he remained friends until his death. In 1917, Benjamin married Dora Kellner and became father to a son, Stefan Rafael (1918-1972). The marriage lasted for 13 years. Also in 1917, Benjamin relocated to Bern, Switzerland, where he obtained his PhD two years later with his thesis entitled »Der Begriff der Kunstkritik in der deutschen Romantik bei Richard Herbertz«. In 1923/24 he met Theodor W. Adorno and Siegfried Kracauer in Frankfurt am Main. His attempt to qualify as a professor with his postdoctoral dissertation on »The Origin of German Tragic Drama« was unsuccessful. Benjamin was advised to withdraw his submission, which he did in 1925. His interest in communism took Benjamin to Moscow for several months. In the early 1930s, Benjamin pursued journalistic endeavours with Bertolt Brecht and worked for broadcasting companies. When the National Socialsts assumed power, Benjamin was forced to go into exile in September 1933. He was subsequently detained at a camp for German refugees for three months in Nevers, France, in 1939. On September 25, 1940 his attempt to cross the border into Spain failed. He took his own life in order to escape his impending extradition to Germany.


Correspondence 1930 - 1940
Year of Publication: 2005
Gretel Adorno, Walter BenjaminYear of Publication: 2005
The correspondence between Gretel Adorno and Walter Benjamin began in 1930, but only after Benjamin’s emigration to France did it reach its full intensity, standing not only as a testament to...
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English world rights (Polity Press), Spanish world rights (Eterna cadencia), France (Gallimard), Japan (Misuzu Shobo)

Correspondence 1933-1940
Year of Publication: 1983
Gershom Scholem, Walter BenjaminYear of Publication: 1983

The correspondence between Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem spans from March 1933 to February 1940. The letters document the last period in Benjamin’s life: the problems of material existence,...

Rights sold to:

English world rights (Schocken Books), Spanish world rights (Trotta), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai Sanhui), Italy (Adelphi), Turkey (Ketebe)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Brazilian Portuguese rights (Perspectiva), France (L'Éclat), Korea (Saemulgyul), Japan (Hosei UP)