Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – January & February 2022, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – January & February 2022, issue 1
We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Judith Schalansky, Verzeichnis einiger Verluste: English paperback edition published by Maclehose, translated by Jackie Smith
Wolfgang Hogrebe, Prädikation und Genesis: Japanese edition published by Hosei UP, translated by Asanuma Kohiki and Kato Shion
Marion Poschmann, Die Kieferninseln: Chinese simplex edition published by People’s Oriental Publishing
Volker Braun, Limes. Marc Aurel: Korean edition published by Zmanz - Communication Books
Hans Erich Nossack, Der Untergang: French edition published by Héros-Limite, translated by Jean-Pierre Boyer and Silke Hass
Thomas Bernhard, Auslöschung : Polish edition published by Od Do, translated by Slawa Lisiecka
Carl Seelig, Wanderungen mit Robert Walser: Japanese edition published by Hakusuisha, translated by Niimoto Fuminari
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Über die Verborgenheit der Gesundheit (selection): Serbian edition published by Dosije Studio, translated by Danilo N. Basta
Andrzej Stasiuk, Jak zostalem pisarzem: Hungarian edition published by Poket

Second row (from left to right):

Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Philosophie des Orgasmus: Turkish edition published by Can, translated by Behlül Çalışkan
Peter Handke, Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied + Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter: Russian edition published by AST Hermann Hesse, Erzählungen: Turkish edition published by Yapı Kredi Yayınları, translated by Kâmuran Şipal
Alice Miller, Das Drama des begabten Kindes. Eine Um- und Fortschreibung: Lithuanian edition published by Vaga, translated by Austeja Merkeviciute
Heiner Müller, Anatomie Titus Fall of Rome: Norwegian edition published by Existenz, translated by Knut Saanum
Peter Handke, Wunschloses Unglück: Hebrew edition published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad, translated by Ilana Hammerman
Kia Vahland, Leonardo da Vinci und die Frauen: Turkish edition published by Marti, translated by Gül Gürtunca
Thomas Bernhard, Der Untergeher: Estonian edition published by Loomingu Raamatukogu, translated by Mati Sirkel

Third row (from left to right):

Hartmut Rosa, Beschleunigung und Entfremdung: Korean edition published by Academy of Mobility Humanities / LPBook Publishing
Judith Schalansky, Verzeichnis einiger Verluste: Portuguese edition published by Elsinore, translated by Isabel Castro Silva
Ralf Rothmann, Der Gott jenes Sommers: English edition published by Picador, translated by Shaun Whiteside
Steffen Mau, Lütten Klein: French edition published by MSH, translated by Christophe Lucchese
Maria Stepanova, Памяти памяти: Chinese simplex edition published by Citic Press
Jürgen Habermas, Die Zukunft der menschlichen Natur: Turkish edition published by Alfa, translated by Kaan H. Ökten
Max Frisch, Die Chinesische Mauer: Korean edition published by Zmanz - Communication Books
Theodor W. Adorno, Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus: Japanese edition published by Horinouchi


Lütten Klein

Aspects of Contemporary Right-Wing Radicalism

The Da Vinci Women

The Philosophy of the Orgasm

An Inventory of Losses

In Memory of Memory

The God of that Summer

The Pine Islands

Acceleration and Alienation

How I Became a Writer

Drama of the Gifted Child


The Loser

A Sorrow Beyond Dreams

Short Letter, Long Farewell

The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick

The End