Carl Schmitt

Carl Schmitt

Carl Schmitt (1888 – 1985) was a German jurist and political theorist. After 1947, he moved to his native town of Plattenberg from where he continued to have great influence on political thought with his ideas and terms he coined despite his previous dedication to National Socialism.

Carl Schmitt (1888 – 1985) was a German jurist and political theorist. After 1947, he moved to his native town of Plattenberg from where he continued to have great influence on political thought with his ideas and terms he coined despite his previous dedication to National Socialism.


Year of Publication: 2019
Reinhart Koselleck, Carl SchmittYear of Publication: 2019

Over the course of three decades, from 1953 to 1983, jurist Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) and historian Reinhart Koselleck (1923-2006) corresponded with one another. The exchange between the former »Crown Jurist of the Third Reich« and the future »most important German historian of the 20th centurry« (DIE ZEIT) not only deals with the main works of the two protagonists but also with...

Correspondence and other materials
Year of Publication: 2007
Hans Blumenberg, Carl SchmittYear of Publication: 2007
As Carl Schmitt’s replies have also left visible traces in Blumenberg’s work, in addition to the complete correspondence and other unpublished texts from the Blumenberg estate the...
Rights sold to:

France (du Cerf), Italy (Laterza)