
Edited by Jan Eike Dunkhase
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Correspondence / Der Briefwechsel
Edited by Jan Eike Dunkhase

Over the course of three decades, from 1953 to 1983, jurist Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) and historian Reinhart Koselleck (1923-2006) corresponded with one another. The exchange between the former »Crown Jurist of the Third Reich« and the future »most important German historian of the 20th centurry« (DIE ZEIT) not only deals with the main works of the two protagonists but also with Koselleck’s career in the world of West-German academia and Schmitt‘s position at the margin of the...

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Over the course of three decades, from 1953 to 1983, jurist Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) and historian Reinhart Koselleck (1923-2006) corresponded with one another. The exchange between the former »Crown Jurist of the Third Reich« and the future »most important German historian of the 20th centurry« (DIE ZEIT) not only deals with the main works of the two protagonists but also with Koselleck’s career in the world of West-German academia and Schmitt‘s position at the margin of the academic field. Leading contemporaries, such as Blumenberg, Habermas and Heidegger, find their place in it alongside historical questions and terminology as well as current political developments. A correspondence between scholars characterised by »criticism and crisis« – while at the same time an important chapter of German intellectual history.

On the one hand, this edition is dedicated to Reinhart Koselleck’s most important correspondence, unequalled in terms of volume, duration and intensity – a curcial source for the intellectual biography of the historian. On the other hand, it provides new insight into the life and work of Carl Schmitt, a jurist and political theorist who never left the scope of public interest.

»The correspondence between the historian Reinhart Koselleck and Carl Schmitt, the expert in constitutional law, is, in terms of the history of ideas, a document of the first rank.« Florian Meinel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»[Koselleck‘s] very first, five-page letter already shows an accomplished scientist presenting a life programme to the older man. For the contemporary reader – one and a half decades after Koselleck’s death – it‘s downright breathtaking to realize how closely he stuck to the baselines he had conceptualised at the time.« Gustav Seibt, Süddeutsche Zeitung

»This book edits the material from the archives with diligence and great knowledge.« Hendrikje Schauer, Der Tagesspiegel

»A wonderful alternative history in letters.« Hannah Lühmann, Die Literarische Welt

»What a pull! Those who plan to read the correspondence between the jurist Carl Schmitt and the historian Reinhart Koselleck, should take off a weekend and absord these electrifying and intellectually highly gripping documents in one go with as few disruptions as possible – which is probably going to happen anyway once you start.« Angela Reinthal, Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft

»The more than 100 letters that Schmitt and Koselleck exchanged over the course of 30 years – from 1953 to 1983 – show readers how it is possible to enter into a fruitful intellectual exchange with an ultra-conservative intellectual, who, in addition to that, is contaminated by fascism. The condition for this was Schmitt‘s extremely alert intelligence far into old age and his legendary literacy. Koselleck knew how to capitalise on that.« Peter Meisenberg, WDR 3

»The correspondence between the historian Reinhart Koselleck and Carl Schmitt, the expert in constitutional law, is, in terms of the history of ideas, a document of the first rank.« Florian Meinel, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»[Koselleck‘s] very first, five-page letter already shows an accomplished scientist presenting a life programme to the older man. For the contemporary reader – one and a half decades after Koselleck’s death...

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2019, 459 pages
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Reinhart Koselleck (1923 – 2006) was a professor in Bochum, Heidelberg and Bielefeld. He pioneered studies on the history of the European Enlightenment, the theory of history and the history of concepts.


Reinhart Koselleck (1923 – 2006) was a professor in Bochum, Heidelberg and Bielefeld. He pioneered studies on the history of the European...

Carl Schmitt (1888 – 1985) was a German jurist and political theorist. After 1947, he moved to his native town of Plattenberg from where he continued to have great influence on political thought with his ideas and terms he coined despite his previous dedication to National Socialism.

Carl Schmitt (1888 – 1985) was a German jurist and political theorist. After 1947, he moved to his native town of Plattenberg from where he...


Solidified Lava
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Commemorating those »violently killed« is a core part of political culture. With his groundbreaking work on the »cult of the dead«, Reinhart Koselleck has opened up a new field of research: European memorial landscapes in all their historical, aesthetic and political complexity. Whether they are sacrifices for the fatherland or victims of wars and tyranny,...

Correspondence 1965–1994
Year of Publication: 2023
Hans Blumenberg, Reinhart KoselleckYear of Publication: 2023

For more than three decades, Hans Blumenberg and Reinhart Koselleck maintained a correspondence that was characterized by mutual affection but also by distance. It shows two academic protagonists discuss the founding of universities and interdisciplinarity in times of university reform – and two sensitive scholars trying to communicate central aspects of their research: conceptual...

Correspondence and other materials
Year of Publication: 2007
Hans Blumenberg, Carl SchmittYear of Publication: 2007
As Carl Schmitt’s replies have also left visible traces in Blumenberg’s work, in addition to the complete correspondence and other unpublished texts from the Blumenberg estate the...
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France (du Cerf), Italy (Laterza)

Year of Publication: 2006
Reinhart KoselleckYear of Publication: 2006
At the heart of Reinhart Koselleck’s thought stands the history of concepts, the paradigm of which he, the »thinking historian«, as Hans-Georg Gadamer once called him, decisively...
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Spanish world rights (Trotta), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Contraponto), Italy (Il Mulino), Poland (Oficyna Naukowa), Turkey (Iletisim)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Romania (Editura ART)

Futures Past
Year of Publication: 1988
Reinhart KoselleckYear of Publication: 1988
Modernity in the late eighteenth century transformed all domains of European life – intellectual, industrial, and social. Not least affected was the experience of time itself: ever – accelerating...
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English world rights (MIT Press), Spanish world rights (Prometeo), Chinese simplex rights (Commercial Press), Russia (NLO), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Contrapunto), Arabic world rights (Dar alKitab), France (Éditions de l'EHESS), Italy (CLUEB), Sweden (Daidalos), Turkey (Alfa)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Korea (Munhakdongne), Poland (Poznanskie), Hungary (Atlantisz), Greece (Exandas), Ukraine (Spirit and Letter)


On April 23, 2023, Reinhart Koselleck would have celebrated his 100th birthday.