Dana Vowinckel
Autorenfoto zu Dana Vowinckel

Dana Vowinckel

Dana Vowinckel was born in Berlin in 1996 into an American-Jewish-German family. She grew up bilingually and bi-culturally between Chicago and Berlin, and studied linguistics and literature in Berlin, Toulouse and Cambridge. At the 2021 Ingeborg Bachmann Competition, she was awarded a prize for an excerpt from The World in a Ziplock Bag, her debut novel. Today, Dana Vowinckel lives in Berlin.
Dana Vowinckel was born in Berlin in 1996 into an American-Jewish-German family. She grew up bilingually and bi-culturally between Chicago and Berlin, and studied linguistics and literature in Berlin, Toulouse and Cambridge. At the 2021 Ingeborg Bachmann Competition, she was awarded a prize for an excerpt from The World in a Ziplock Bag, her debut novel. Today, Dana Vowinckel lives in Berlin.
Awards (selection)
Winner of the Literature Prize of the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft »Text & Sprache« 2024
Shortlisted for the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair 2024
Mara-Cassens-Preis 2023 
Winner of the Literature Prize of the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft »Text & Sprache« 2024
Shortlisted for the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair 2024
Mara-Cassens-Preis 2023 


The World in a Ziplock Bag
Year of Publication: 2023
Dana VowinckelYear of Publication: 2023

A summer travelling between Berlin, Chicago and Jerusalem. Like every year, fifteen-year-old Margarita spends her school holidays with her grandparents in the USA. But she would much rather go...

Rights sold to:

English world rights (HarperVia), Denmark (Lindhardt & Ringhof), Norway (Pax)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (DAV)


Ariane Koch is longlisted for Kranke Hunde, Deniz Utlu for Father's Sea, and Dana Vowinckel for The World in a Ziplock Bag .
The World in a Ziplock Bag and Hide and Seek are among the nine finalists.
Dana Vowinckel has been awarded the Mara-Cassens-Preis 2023 for her debut novel The World in a Ziplock Bag