Doron Rabinovici
Autorenfoto zu Doron Rabinovici

Doron Rabinovici

Doron Rabinovici, born in Tel Aviv in 1961, is a writer, essayist and historian. He has been living in Vienna since 1964 and has been awarded numerous literature prizes.
Doron Rabinovici, born in Tel Aviv in 1961, is a writer, essayist and historian. He has been living in Vienna since 1964 and has been awarded numerous literature prizes.
Awards (selection)
WORTMELDUNGEN-Literaturpreis 2021 (Shortlist)
Österreichischer Buchpreis 2017 (Longlist)
Ehrenpreis für Toleranz in Denken und Handeln 2015
Anton-Wildgans-Preis 2010
Jean-Améry-Preis 2002
Clemens-Brentano-Preis 2002
WORTMELDUNGEN-Literaturpreis 2021 (Shortlist)
Österreichischer Buchpreis 2017 (Longlist)
Ehrenpreis für Toleranz in Denken und Handeln 2015
Anton-Wildgans-Preis 2010
Jean-Améry-Preis 2002
Clemens-Brentano-Preis 2002
»Rabinovici’s prose strikes a rare balance: it is entertaining, elegant and light, but at the same time full of artistry, genius and nuance.« Tages-Anzeiger
»Rabinovici’s prose strikes a rare balance: it is entertaining, elegant and light, but at the same time full of artistry, genius and nuance.« Tages-Anzeiger


The Position
Year of Publication: 2022
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 2022
August Becker is the star among press photographers, his portraits are unique. In the current election campaign for the chancellorship, he is commissioned to photograph the leading candidate of a populist party by a liberal magazine. Ulli Popp stirs up hatred for migrants, women, independent media. August Becker is tasked with exposing the man behind the caring facade, his brutality, his...
Gulliver’s Travels
Year of Publication: 2017
Jonathan SwiftYear of Publication: 2017

It is just under three hundred years ago that the gentle reader first heard of the adventurous travels of the surgeon and ship’s captain Lemuel Gulliver. With amazement, the reader learned of the thumb-high inhabitants of Lilliput’s craving for admiration, of the immoral hustle and bustle of the coarse giants of Brobdingnag and of the land of the noble Houyhnhnms and their greedy and mean...

Year of Publication: 2017
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 2017

The news broadcast one morning by all stations is alarming: an extraterrestrial power has conquered the world overnight. Sol, co-founder of an online magazine, is immediately convinced by the...

Rights sold to:

Hungary (Magvetö)

Herzl Reloaded
Year of Publication: 2016
Doron Rabinovici, Natan SznaiderYear of Publication: 2016
Herzl Reloaded. Doron Rabinovici and Natan Sznaider receive e-mails from none other than Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism. Herzl, Rabinovici and Sznaider enter into a dialogue about Judaism, present-day Israel and the Jewish Diaspora.

What does Herzl have to say to us today? About the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for instance? How closely is his work The...
Year of Publication: 2010
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 2010
In his fast-paced and moving new novel, Doron Rabinovici stirs up concepts of origin, identity and belonging as he describes the shifting, twisting relationships in a Jewish family. Old...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Haus Publishing), Italy (La Giuntina), Czech Republic (Archa), Bulgaria (Elias Canetti Society)

Year of Publication: 2004
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 2004
Naschmarkt, heart of Vienna. In this colourful and lively melting-pot of foods and languages, a group of young people from immigrant families revolves around the protagonist Stefan Sandtner, a...
Rights sold to:

Bulgaria (Maga Welding)

Eichmann's Jews
Year of Publication: 2000
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 2000
»The question of the collaboration of Jews with the Nazi regime during the persecution and extermination of European Jewry is one of the most difficult and sensitive issues surrounding...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Polity), Israel (Yad Vashem Publications)

The Search for M
Year of Publication: 1997
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 1997
»The plot of The Search for M revolves around the lives in contemporary Vienna of two generations of European Jews, the survivors of the Holocaust and their children.

Members of the...
Rights sold to:

France (Denoel), Bulgaria (Elias Canetti Society), Israel (Zmora Bitan)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: English world rights (Ariadne Press), Italy (La Giuntina)

Year of Publication: 1994
Doron RabinoviciYear of Publication: 1994

Rights sold to:

Italy (Il Saggiatore), Poland (Atut)