Natan Sznaider
Autorenfoto zu Natan Sznaider

Natan Sznaider

Natan Sznaider was born in Germany in 1954, the child of Polish Holocaust survivors. At the age of 20 he went to Israel to study sociology, psychology and history at the University of Tel Aviv. He is currently professor of Sociology at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo.

Natan Sznaider was born in Germany in 1954, the child of Polish Holocaust survivors. At the age of 20 he went to Israel to study sociology, psychology and history at the University of Tel Aviv. He is currently professor of Sociology at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo.


Herzl Reloaded
Year of Publication: 2016
Doron Rabinovici, Natan SznaiderYear of Publication: 2016
Herzl Reloaded. Doron Rabinovici and Natan Sznaider receive e-mails from none other than Theodor Herzl, the founding father of Zionism. Herzl, Rabinovici and Sznaider enter into a dialogue about Judaism, present-day Israel and the Jewish Diaspora.

What does Herzl have to say to us today? About the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for instance? How closely is his work The...