Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – June 2024

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – June 2024
First row (from left to right):
Benjamín Labatut, Un verdor terrible – Italian paperback edition published by Adelphi, translated by Lisa Topi
Jury Andruchowytsch, Радио Нiч – Hungarian edition published by Helikon, translated by Viktória Lebovics
Hermann Hesse, Freude am Garten – Taiwanese edition published by Azoth, translated by HeTong Yali
Robert Menasse, Die Erweiterung – Italian edition published by Selllerio, translated by Marina Pugliano & Valentina Tortelli
Clemens J. Setz, Der Trost runder Dinge – Polish edition published by Filtry, translated by Agnieszka Kowaluk
Alexander Kluge, »Wer ein Wort des Trostes spricht, ist ein Verräter«. 48 Geschichten für Fritz Bauer – Italian edition published by FinisTerrae, translated by Bettina Ricceri & Anna Ruchat
Mahler, Komplett Kafka – Czech edition published by Argo, translated by Michaela Škultéty
Bora Ćosić, Uloga moje porodice u svetskoj revoluciji – Estonian edition published by Loomingu Raamatukogu, translated by Madis Vainomaa

Second row (from left to right):
Serhij Zhadan, Selection of poems – Czech edition published by Fra, translated by Radka Rubilina
Peter Sloterdijk, Nicht gerettet. Versuche nach Heidegger – Italian edition published by Tlon, translated by Anna Calligaris & Stefano Crosara
Svenja Leiber, Kazimira – French edition published by Belfond, translated by Matthieu Dumont
Katapult, 102 Grüne Karten zur Rettung der Welt – Taiwanese edition published by Business Weekly, translated by Magda Huang
Robert Walser, Jakob von Gunten – new Spanish edition published by Siruela, translated by Juan José del Solar
Mahler, Komplett Kafka – UK edition published by Pushkin Press, translated by Alexander Booth
Thomas Bernhard, Verstörung – Dutch edition published by IJzer, translated by Chris Bakker


Completely Kafka



Radio Night

When We Cease to Understand the World

Green Maps to Save the World

Anyone Who Utters a Consoling Word Is a Traitor

My Family's Role in the World Revolution


Jakob von Gunten