
Their History
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Concepts / Begriffsgeschichten
Their History
At the heart of Reinhart Koselleck’s thought stands the history of concepts, the paradigm of which he, the »thinking historian«, as Hans-Georg Gadamer once called him, decisively helped create and used as the foundations for the major encyclopedia of Geschichtlichen Grundbegriffe which he co-edited.

The history of concepts, as pursued by Koselleck, turns quite specifically against an abstract history of ideas. It focuses instead on the actual linguistic usage in...
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At the heart of Reinhart Koselleck’s thought stands the history of concepts, the paradigm of which he, the »thinking historian«, as Hans-Georg Gadamer once called him, decisively helped create and used as the foundations for the major encyclopedia of Geschichtlichen Grundbegriffe which he co-edited.

The history of concepts, as pursued by Koselleck, turns quite specifically against an abstract history of ideas. It focuses instead on the actual linguistic usage in social, political and legal life. Here, real experiences and expectations are considered at the interface between linguistic source material and politico-social reality.

With this collection of 25 brilliantly written studies, Kosseleck has bequeathed us a major project. He tells the story of our modern world by means of the histories of the concepts of »state«, »revolution«, »Enlightenment«, »emancipation«, »education« and »utopia«. In each instance he points up the dual status of the concepts, as indicators of and factors in historical processes. The semantic/pragmatic analysis of the concepts highlights continuities as well as turning points in social and cultural history, and thus reveals a quite specific form of historical experience: Here, the history of concepts becomes a medium in the historical self-enlightenment of present society.

2006, 569 pages
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Reinhart Koselleck (1923 – 2006) was a professor in Bochum, Heidelberg and Bielefeld. He pioneered studies on the history of the European Enlightenment, the theory of history and the history of concepts.


Reinhart Koselleck (1923 – 2006) was a professor in Bochum, Heidelberg and Bielefeld. He pioneered studies on the history of the European...


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Futures Past
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Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Korea (Munhakdongne), Poland (Poznanskie), Hungary (Atlantisz), Greece (Exandas), Ukraine (Spirit and Letter)


On April 23, 2023, Reinhart Koselleck would have celebrated his 100th birthday.