Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – November 2022, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – November 2022, issue 1
We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

Photo 1

First row (from left to right):

Thomas Bernhard, In der Höhe + Amras & other works: Slovenian edition published by LUD Literatura, translated by Sara Virk

Peter Sloterdijk, Sphären II: Croatian edition published by Mizantrop, translated by Kiril Miladinov

Serhyi Zhadan, Інтернат: Dutch edition published by De Geus, translated by Roman Nesterenco & Tobias Wals

Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein: Italian edition published by Marsilio, translated by Fabio Cremonesi

Jürgen Habermas, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie: Italian edition published by Feltrinelli, translated by Massimo De Pascale, Giorgio Fazio, Luca Corchia & Walter Privitera

Robert Walser, Kleine Prosa: Albanian edition published by Pa, translated by Feride Xh. Berisha

Second row (from left to right):

Peter Handke, Versuch über die Müdigkeit: Hungarian edition published by Typotex, translated by Csordás Gábor

Peter Handke, Das zweite Schwert: French edition published by Gallimard, translated by Julien Lapeyre de Cabanes

Lutz Seiler, Kruso: Macedonian edition published by Goten, translated by Ksenia Chochkova

Gershom Scholem, Die jüdische Mystik in ihren Hauptströmungen: Polish edition published by Aletheia, translated by Ireneusz Kania

Hermann Hesse, Die schönsten Erzählungen: Polish edition published by Media Rodzina, translated by Malgorzata Lukasiewicz

Simone Buchholz, Hotel Cartagena: Finnish edition published by Huipppu, translated by Anne Kilpi

Photo 2

First row (from left to right):

Peter Handke, Das zweite Schwert: Brazilian Portuguese edition published by Estação Liberdade, translated by Luis S. Krausz

Benjamín Labatut, Un verdor terrible: Czech edition published by Paseka S.R.O., translated by Anna Štádlerová

Michael Krüger, Umstellung der Zeit: Danish edition published by Epilog, translated by Jane Teller

Michael Butter, »Nichts ist, wie es scheint«: Polish edition published by WUJ, translated by Joanna Gilewicz

Theodor W. Adorno, Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus: Catalan edition published by Afers, translated by Gustau Muñoz

Second row (from left to right):

Peter Sloterdijk, Kritik der zynischen Vernunft: Russian edition published by Ivan Limbakh, translated by Alexander Percev

Lutz Seiler, Stern 111: Danish edition published by Batzer & Co, translated by Paul Klitnaes

Max Frisch, Stiller: Arabic edition published by Mamdouh Adwan

Thomas Bernhard, Auslöschung : Dutch edition published by Ijzer, translated by Chris Bakke

Hans-Peter Müller, Max Weber: Italian edition published by EGEA

Third row (from left to right):

Raul Zelik, Wir Untoten des Kapitals: Turkish edition published by Ilitisim, translated by Dilek Çınar

Wolfgang Koeppen, Amerikafahrt: English edition published by Berghahn Books, translated by Michael Kimmage

Jürgen Habermas, Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns: Russian edition published by Ves Mirndrey, translated by Konstantinovich Sudakov

Bertolt Brecht, Flüchtlingsgespräche: Greek edition published by Kritiki, translated by Despina Skourti

Hermann Hesse, Demian: Hungarian edition published by Poket, translated by Toldy Csilla


Glorious People

Us, The Undead of Capital

Max Weber

When We Cease to Understand the World

Star 111

The Second Sword

Hotel Cartagena

This Too a History of Philosophy

Aspects of Contemporary Right-Wing Radicalism

The Nature of Conspiracy Theories

The Orphanage


Seasonal Time Change

Spheres II

Essay on Tiredness


Critique of Cynical Reason

I’m Not Stiller

Refugee Conversations
