Featured Topics: Spring 2024 Non-Fiction

Spring 2024 Non-Fiction & Academic 27Results
Adorno's Heirs
Year of Publication: 2024
Jörg SpäterYear of Publication: 2024
A West German History
In October of 1949, Theodor W. Adorno returned from his exile in America to the city of his birth to resume his work teaching at a Germany university. The city of Frankfurt had been reduced to...
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Chinese simplex rights (Yilin)

»It’s Up to the Individual«
Year of Publication: 2024
Volker MichelsYear of Publication: 2024
Hermann Hesse – A Life Portrait
Hermann Hesse’s efforts to defy the destructive consequences of the ideas that prevailed in the era in which he lived shaped the author’s life and work in the most diverse ways. This succinct, poignant life portrait illustrates how Hesse’s search for forward-looking alternatives was reflected both in his biography and writings. It also looks at the rancour that his constructive worldview inspired...

Caspar David Friedrich and the Vast Horizon
Year of Publication: 2024
Kia VahlandYear of Publication: 2024
Caspar David Friedrich didn’t make things easy for the viewers of his paintings. He was always putting something in the way: a figure with their back to the viewer, a stone, the root of a tree. With his art of contradictions, the Romantic from Greifswald became the painter of longing, particularly for Germans, a prime example being his Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (ca. 1818). But the...

The Population Argument
Year of Publication: 2024
Dana SchmalzYear of Publication: 2024
The Political Misuse of the Spectre of Overpopulation
At the turn of the 19th century, the Earth was home to around one billion people. Today, it is more than eight billion. Time and again, this growth has triggered warnings that can ultimately be traced back to the theories of economist Thomas Malthus: too many people leads to hunger and ecological and social crises.

Dana Schmalz illustrates how politicians employ the “population...

Surviving Death
Year of Publication: 2024
Wilhelm SchmidYear of Publication: 2024
Coming to Grips with the Unfathomable
Surviving death, how do you do that? This is the immediate challenge for anybody who has to keep on living after having lost someone dear to them. It’s helpful to acquaint yourself with some of the phases you are about to move through. A popular method of surviving death is not to talk about it. In his new book, Wilhelm Schmid tries to do the polar opposite.

Because there is no cure...

The Superiority of the Subjugated
Year of Publication: 2024
Daniel LoickYear of Publication: 2024
A Theory of Counter-Communities
From the perspective of oppressed groups, the lives of the rich and powerful are not necessarily desirable – indeed, they often appear ignorant, corrupt, ugly, or sad. People whose realities are shaped by experiences of violence and suffering, on the other hand, often have access to epistemic insights, ethical attitudes, and aesthetic expressions that more privileged subjects lack. Whether they...

The World of Tomorrow
Year of Publication: 2024
Robert MenasseYear of Publication: 2024
A Sovereign, Democratic Europe – And Its Enemies
In The World of Yesterday, Stefan Zweig depicted the cosmopolitan Europe he had lived in prior to 1914. By the time he put his memories on paper, though, this world no longer existed, having been...
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Portuguese rights (Gradiva), France (Verdier)

Simple Gardening
Year of Publication: 2024
Horst MagerYear of Publication: 2024
Natural and Sustainable
Particularly for the inexperienced, gardening can often seem like a complicated science. There seem to be a thousand things to consider, and the possibilities are endless. Should I prune my roses just above the third bud or the fifth? Do I need a compost heap? And most importantly: How do I find plants that I not only like, but that will also be happy in my garden? It’s really not that...

Things Needed to Improve…
Year of Publication: 2024
Jürgen HabermasYear of Publication: 2024
Conversations with Stefan Müller-Doohm and Roman Yos
»I view the attempt to make the world even the tiniest bit better, or even just to be part of the effort to stave off the constant threats of regression that we face, as an utterly admirable...
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English world rights (Polity), Korea (Sechang)

The Question of Unworthy Life
Year of Publication: 2024
Dagmar HerzogYear of Publication: 2024
Eugenics and Germany’s Twentieth Century
»The disabled were not ›forgotten‹ victims, but rather aggressively repudiated ones.«

This book is an experiment. It attempts to write an intellectual history of intellectual disability by...
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English world rights (Princeton UP)

Year of Publication: 2024
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2024
In her new book, sociologist Eva Illouz takes a look at our highly charged present from the perspective of the emotions that forge it. Envy and rage, jealousy and shame, disappointment and love are...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Princeton), Spanish world rights (Katz), Catalan (Edicions 62), Chinese simplex (Shanghai Insight Media), Arabic world rights (Page Seven), France (Gallimard), Italy (Einaudi), Netherlands (Ten Have), Korea (Cheongmi), Greece (Patakis)

Year of Publication: 2024
Natascha StroblYear of Publication: 2024
A Handbook
A single gender-neutral term on the news and the internet explodes. A publisher takes a book off the shelves because the language is no longer considered appropriate, and a seemingly trifling matter almost spirals into a matter of state. A transgender influencer does an ad for a beer company, conservatives launch a boycott, and the share prices of the biggest brewery in the world crash. In the...

Year of Publication: 2024
Sebastian HeinrichYear of Publication: 2024
Ah, bella Italia. As soon as you cross the Italian border, even the espresso at the most remote roadside diner tastes better than a bag of expensive beans back home. The Italians lover their caffé as much as they love their football and their pasta. The traffic is more chaotic, and the politics – well, enough said about the politics… The perspective on Italy from abroad is one...

Year of Publication: 2024
Maximilian PichlYear of Publication: 2024
The Battle for the Rule of Law
After a protest by climate activists or a brawl at a public swimming pool, we regularly hear demands for the state to clamp down and “enforce the rule of law”. What this actually means is: enough of the excuses and the romanticism of social workers, it’s time for the police to step in, and for judges to lay down the law – in short, what we know as the doctrine of “law and...

Year of Publication: 2024
Christoph SchickhardtYear of Publication: 2024
A Critique of the Pandemic Response from the Perspective of Paediatric Ethics
So far, children have been the big losers of the COVID-19 pandemic. The closure of childcare facilities and schools and the cancelling of extracurricular activities robbed them of vital social networks, led to marked learning deficits, jeopardised their mental health, and exacerbated existing inequalities. The pandemic made blatantly clear something that was already evident beforehand: young...

Year of Publication: 2024
Hannes BajohrYear of Publication: 2024
Reading in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

With programs such as ChatGTP, artificial intelligence has reached a level at which it is now scarcely possible to distinguish a text written by a computer from one written by a human being. For example, can you be certain that the text you are reading right now was not written by an algorithm?

This represents a real turning point in the way we read the written word. If we are...

Year of Publication: 2024
Stephan ThomeYear of Publication: 2024
On the Conflict in the Taiwan Strait

In recent years, tensions between Taiwan and China have heightened. A visit to the island by then US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in August 2022 was condemned by Beijing as »extremely dangerous«....

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Chinese complex rights (Taiwan Interminds)

Year of Publication: 2024
Simon SchauppYear of Publication: 2024
Work, Nature, and the Future of the Planet
In order to understand the ecological crisis, we need to understand the world of work. Because it is through labour, according to Karl Marx, that societies’ metabolic relationship with nature is carried out. As such, argues sociologist Simon Schaupp, labour politics is also climate politics – or as the title of this book suggests, »metabolic politics«. And nature itself plays an active role in...

Year of Publication: 2024
And other materials
Soon after the Institute for Social Research returned to Frankfurt from its exile in the US, a young student applied for a position with Theodor W. Adorno: Ludwig von Friedeburg, the son of the second-last commander-in-chief of the Kriegsmarine and himself Germany’s youngest submarine commander in the Second World War. Their first project together was the famous »Group Experiment«, a study funded...

Year of Publication: 2024
Javier CáceresYear of Publication: 2024
For years now, journalist Javier Cáceres has been interviewing the most famous football players in the world. One evening, he had the idea of giving the player he was interviewing a notebook and a pencil, and asking them to draw their best, most important, or most spectacular goal. The outcome is a unique collection of more than 100 drawings that not only give new meaning to the idea of a...
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